United Way of the Coastal Bend launches new family resource program and website: HelpMeGrowCB.com

CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – United Way of the Coastal Bend is proud to announce its newest Success By 6 Initiative: Help Me Grow Coastal Bend
Success By 6 works to ensure local children are safe, healthy, and ready for school. 
The goal of Help Me Grow is to provide families with supportive tools to enhance their children’s learning and development through free developmental screenings and parenting group activities.


The best part? There's now a free website to help families find local services they need for preschool, maternal health, and other basic needs.
"We created this online hub to gather our growing network of dozens of community resources all in one place," said Sherry Peterson, Success By 6 Director at United Way of the Coastal Bend. "This collaborative effort strengthens community partnerships and referrals between agencies to ensure families get the help they need when they need it."
Visitors will find up-to-date information to connect with financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help.
“We know that raising a family comes with many challenges and we're excited that this new website can be part of the solution,” said Stephanie Jordan, President and CEO of United Way of the Coastal Bend. 


•    For more information, please visit helpmegrowcb.com or contact Sherry Peterson, Success By 6 Director for United Way of the Coastal Bend, at Sherry.Peterson@uwcb.org or (361) 882-2529, Ext.121.